This small light mount allows you to clamp a wide variety of offroad lights directly to your front bumper or cage.
It can be mounted with the mounting hole in front of the tubing if there are clearance issues or behind the tubing for a very clean install. No need to purchase an expensive light bar or grind away expensive powder coating to weld on light tabs. These clamps allow you to put your lights wherever you would like them.
This small light mount has a .400" (10mm) hole
POLARISXP1000 AND XP4 1000 1.75 XP Turbo and XP4 Turbo 1.75 RZR 900 2015 and up 1.75 2014 and older RZR s Perimeter 1.75 2014 and older Polaris Ranger and RZR and RZR S and XP Rear Harness Bar and Rear Bumper crossbars 1.5 (4 seat versions have a 1.25 rear top crossbar as well)General (Pro Fit cage NOT ROUND)1.75 top crossbar only (rearview mount)Ranger (Pro Fit cage NOT ROUND)1.75 rear harness bar onlyRanger(Pro Fit cage NOT ROUND) Use 9 Bolt On mirror for rearviewPolaris RZR 170 1.25"RZR steering column 1.5
YAMAHAYXZ 1000 1.75" Perimeter Top crossbars 1.5 Rhino Perimeter 1.75 Top Crossbars 1.5 Rhino Steering column 1.5 Viking and Viking 6 seater 2.0 Wolverine Perimeter 2.0 Top Crossbars 1.5
KAWASAKIKawasaki Teryx / Teryx 4 Perimeter 1.875 Top Crossbars 1.7
HONDAPioneer 1000 1.75 Pioneer 700 1.625 Pioneer 500 1.625 Big Red 1.625
ARCTIC CATWildcat / Wildcat 4 1.75"Prowler (must have aftermarket cage installed)
CANAMMaverick and Maverick 4 seat 2.0
Maverick X3 1.875"Commander 2.0