These resistors will work on any vehicle and can be connected across the turn signal bulbs to simulate the load of a regular filament bulb. This will solve LED related turn signal problems such as hyper flashing, no flashing or burnt out bulb indications on installs. One resistor is required for each bulb in the turn signal circuit replaced by LEDs. Add optional gel filled moisture resistant splice taps easy installation.
1 - 5ohm 50W resistor = 1 standard turn signal bulb
WARNING! Resistors get very hot. Do not mount on or near plastic, carpet or wiring.
Please note some vehicles have independent front and rear circuits. In this case a load resistor is requried on each corner.
Connection InstructionsUsing optional splice taps, connect one wire to ground and the other wire to the turn/brake wire. You do not have to cut your car's wiring. Squeeze splice taps with pliers. One Load Resistor required for both front and rear turn signal bulbs. No instructions are included with these kits.